Financially staying and studying abroad can very taxing for a common Indian student. A student need to spend a lot of money if he/she wants to manage on their own. But one of the encouraging feature of International education is that a student is allowed to work for a specific amount of time during the week so that he/she can earn some extra money so as to support themselves. For example a student is allowed to work up to 20 hours per week on campus in countries like USA and CANADA. Moreover, in U.S.A a student is authorized to stay and work for a period of one year after successful completion of his graduation provided he has a job. That student is supposed to get a working visa during this period if, he/she wants to continue further or he/she can return to their home country instead. Students need not to worry about availability of such jobs while studying abroad because, it’s our experience that most of the students find some kind of work to support themselves. These jobs pay you on a weekly basis. Students can use this money to take care of his/her own daily expenses and save for the future as well.